Community Newsletter | Community-Led Alliance

June 21, 2024

🔥 Fresh Content 🔥

Is there anything you’d have done differently when you first started out? (Coffee Break)

In this episode, Liz Stack, Sr. Brand Manager At Yotpo, talks about what she wished she’d have known when she first started as a community manager. New episode out every Friday! 🎬

The role of project management in community growth

Explore the intersection of community management and project management, and look at the ways project management skills are essential for community managers to succeed. 🤔

🗞️ Hot News 🗞️

🏆 Ready to say hi to the Community-Led Alliance ambassadors?

We are so excited... These amazing ambassadors will be helping with everything from content to meetups to make our community even stronger. It’s a dream team, and we can’t wait to start working together! ⬇️⬇️

📚 Courses 📚

From understanding the way community can evolve in a company, to identifying the ideal audience and turning them into the best brand advocates, this course covers the core pillars of community-led growth (CLG).

🎉 Events 🎉

Pssst… our Community-Led Summit in San Francisco is underway and boy oh boy do we have an invigorating event for you coming on October 24. 👀

We’ll be name dropping our headliners slowly in the coming weeks – I mean good things do come to those who wait. 

But getting your ticket is something you shouldn’t wait to do, or you’ll miss out on Super Early Bird tickets. Save $200. 💰

Register before it’s too late. ⏰

🕺Community Events🕺

Huge shoutout to Robert Maddox for hosting our Atlanta meetup in collaboration with CSC and CMA. If you're interested in hosting meetups in the future? Please get in touch with Nzola.

CLA Virtual: AMA with Charlotte de Peretti & Alice Paul, Head of Community & Community Expert | J... | Community-Led Alliance
Join us for an engaging AMA session with Alice Paul, Community Expert at Qonto and Charlotte De Peretti, Head of Community at, as they share insight on the role of community in business growth. 🔥 Do you have any burning questions about the…

🚀 Want to get involved? 🚀

If you have any ideas on topics, would like to be involved in speaking at our events, or want to help us with organizing meetups, please contact Nzola Nkufi. Interested in contributing to our content? Writing articles or joining our podcast? Our content lead Teresa Garanhel would love to hear from you!

✨ Member quote of the week ✨

🎥 Upcoming LinkedIn lives 🎥

We have announced CLAnow! 🥳

Visit the link below to sign up and see what we have planned 👇

CLAnow: Stream exclusive Community-Led expert sessions
Stream exclusive talks and presentations, covering key Community-Led topics and trends, and hosted by industry experts and leaders.

Job opportunities

If you're looking for more opportunities check out our #jobs channel.

👥 Find us on LinkedIn 👥

Don't forget to follow our company page Community-Led Alliance on LinkedIn!

On our LinkedIn page, we share more resources, community updates, live videos, and lot more!

🗣 Refer a friend 🗣

The Community-Led Alliance is a brand-new community that’s only as good as its community members. We truly believe in the power of community spirit so, if you have a dream team who’d be interested in joining, send them here!

Not a part of our Slack community?

It’s a free online resource dedicated to helping you sharpen your community-led growth strategy. Sign up now for discussions, networking, and ideas.👇🏻

Join the Community-Led Alliance
Sign up to our community for discussions, networking, and ideas. It’s a free online resource dedicated to helping you sharpen your community-led growth strategy.

That’s a wrap for this week’s newsletter - catch you next week 🎊